Tips for Choosing Comfortable Sleepwear

Tips for Choosing Comfortable Sleepwear
Tips for Choosing Comfortable Sleepwear

Pajamas have become a fashion trend among women. Here are tips for choosing comfortable sleepwear. Co-Founder of Mrs Pajamas, Lusy Gunawan shares tips on choosing comfortable sleepwear. Pajama clothes are even used for traveling.

Pajamas are now a new fashion trend among women, no longer as an attribute for sleeping, but their use has become widespread and can even be used when traveling.

However, it is also important to be able to choose comfortable pajamas or sleepwear. Because, comfortable sleepwear will make a person sleep better and sleep quality better. So, what should be considered when choosing sleepwear?

There are various types of fabrics that can be used as sleepwear, including cotton, rayon, satin and silk. But what needs to be considered is to choose a material that is not hot or stiff and can absorb sweat.

So the skin can breathe freely and sleep will be more comfortable. The use of materials that are too thin or thick is also not good because it can cause cold or heat.

Clothing Size

In the selection of clothing sizes, you should choose loose-sized sleepwear . Loose clothing will provide room for the skin to breathe easily and improve blood circulation. Wearing loose clothing also makes us less claustrophobic and free to move during sleep.

Clothing Color

The color of clothes also has an important role in sleeping comfort. Soft or soft colors can make sleep more sound. These colors have been shown to slow the heart rate and lower blood pressure. Blue and purple colors are also known to make sleep more restful.visit

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